Specialising in Australian made, wildlife themed gift items by small makers. . This all funds our wildlife refuge! Gifts of mange treatment are the most helpful


  • our favourite hand made tin plate cwombat cookie cutter is back!

    Bisk-art is back in bussiness! check out our huge range of Australian Made  Bisk-art and Plastic printed cookie cutters theres over 100!  How many...
  • Zero waste key rings made from drink bottle lids

    Zero waste key rings made from drink bottle lids ! And made by a family in Australia  At just $7.50 they come in assorted shaps and colours, bright...
  • Fluffy is now 1.4 Kg, she's is growing quickly andgetting more spiky!

    Yes fluffy is going well, see ur updates on FB and Instagram, were going to start posting video's on our website shortly. More about fluffy in our ...
  • Layby is back ! You need to arrange with Dianna by email rocklilywombats@gmail.com

    Layby with Rocklilywombats  There is NO EXTRA CHARGE TO HAVE OUR 'email arranged layby"  Just email Dianna what you want and we will sent it up.  R...
  • Every sale on our website helps us treat mange and run our refuge!

    Yes that's right. Our website instead of begging for donations sells some very nice high quality but still well priced Australian made items featur...
  • Fluffy the Echidna Puggle October 2024 -

    Fluffy was found in a dirt floored carport by the owner 6 days after removing the contents. He / she was in the small burrow under the roots of bra...
  • Kathie Bateman original oil paintings, helping fund our wildlife work.

    Kathie Bateman  original oil paintings now onsite. Kathie is Dianna's mum whom spends countless hours making our wombat hats. All sales of mum's ar...
  • 2025 Rocklilywombats clendar now instore

    Yes its only August and our 2025 Calendar has arrived.We have made it easy to purchase if you from another part of the world by including postage w...
  • Little Keith and Pattycake finally move out to the nursery Wombatorium!

    Finally there out enjoying a few week's of sun in their new home. We had boarded off the burrow until we knew they were happy to be out at night. T...
  • Renovation of Nursery Wombatorium

    The nursery Wombatorium had its first majour renovation recently, the tunnels , weeds ment we needed to take down fencing to get the tractor in to ...
  • Millie self releases Early 2024

    Millie has released early 2024, we were not sure she was ready, as she had had a very hard time when she came to us at 12 kg, hand raised only eati...
  • Feral pigs are a massive challenge

    2023 saw the wild pig population soar, to at least 11 hanging around Rocklily. Pigs are not native to Australia and NSW is having an explosion in n...