Specialising in Australian made, wildlife themed gift items. This all funds our wildlife refuge! Wishing everyone a relaxing, safe summer

What to expect during treatment

What to expect: as wombats get better!

You will see variations of this, if the wombat is getting worse please contact us again.

– Depending on how bad the wombat is in the first place you will expect to see the mite scabs slowly fall off, over 2 weeks  sometimes leaving a small amount of fresh blood if the wombat has scratched it off. You can apply Cetrigen  pump action to these. 

– Slowly, fine new hair will grow, as the wombat improves. Don’t stop the treatment early, mites last 3 weeks in a burrow, so the wombat can get easily re-infected unless the 12 treatments (16 weeks) are done.

Recovering wombat.

Scabs fallen off and eyes and ears now looking more normal

Walga 4 treatments mite free and crusting fallen off


wombat where mites and hair crusts have fallen off and there some blood which quickly heals

 Ranger 11kg in  MID January 2019  with mange 

Ranger 10th February  treated for 4 weeks before arriving at rocklily hair growing back fast, still looking scraggly patchy areas of fur.  

Ranger at release April 2020 at Rocklily