Specialising in Australian made, wildlife themed gift items by small makers. . This all funds our wildlife refuge! Gifts of mange treatment are the most helpful

Is it mange?

Is it mange?

So many people including alot of vets can think something is mange when its not. 

Mange Generally starts  on sides, back legs, eyes, ears. Almost never down spine or on back of neck or on rump. 

Here are a series of photos, not sure send us a picture to rocklilywombats@gmail.com and we will be happy to help. No files over 5MB please 




attacked by another wombat or dog on back only. Likely to have dirt in wound which can look like mange needs proper treatment for injury.


Pearl: Healing most likely dog attack  around neck area. scabs fallen off now.


Walga; wombat attack on back over plate but she also has mange see inside back leg. 

Softly likely wombat attack 


Yes its mange !

Very typical presentation of mange  still early, ears and eyes not infested yet. 


mange mainly on one side of wombat badly infected 


bad mange typical presentation  eyes almost shut ears heavily infested. will be fine after treatment, but do not delay. 


Still treatable no open wounds dose NOT smell like death, meaning it has an infection. 


After 5 weeks of cydetin treatment same wombat