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Public awareness that your treating wombat for mange

 Public awareness ideas

Get stories in the newspapers and put up signs where you are treating mange. You need permission to treat wombats from the landowners and in NSW it must be done in conjunction with a vet. I am in contact with a vet with all the mange treatment kits we send out. You also do not want your recovering wombat shot as someone thinks he is not being helped. 

John, another carer with Wildlife Rescue South Coast, has been doing some great public awareness efforts with signs about his mange treatment work and roadkill.

John puts his signs up all around area of Wombat, so no-one called in shooter as had happened in the past. 

This helps people felt part of the win against Mange with this one. Good publicity for your group and Wombats!

Great success! This is where a wildlife camera will be of great use. To SHOW people the improvement with photos on the sign and help me with identification work