Specialising in Australian made, wildlife themed gift items by small makers. . This all funds our wildlife refuge! Gifts of mange treatment are the most helpful

2020 - 2021 Billie arrives Early Jan 2020 2.2 kg. died was viral encephalitis 3 may 2021,

Billie arrives Early Jan 2020 b at Rocklily 2.2kg  Died Viral encephalitis April 2021

Poor little billy was found wandering on the road after mum was killed. She was rescued by a taralga local and was bought to us. It took Dr Howard Ralph to deal properly with her injuries, a badly cut eye, broken inner ear and bad concussion so she is in alot of pain, and walks in circles.  Howard ended up sewing her 3rd eyelid closed to give the deep eye cut more protection and venus supply, she went on 2 pretty sever pain relief fluids that she is just coming off now end of June.  

She been a delight and been kept warm and snug while she recovers with Visits to Howard for checkups.  Last week June and shes now being buddied up with Olive, she loves olive, who's not so fussed at this stage, within a week or so they will be inseparable.



Burrow dies 10th March 202. Has had a sudden weight loss not eating or drinking. She goes nurologically blind and other nurological issues unable to swollow, loss of co ordination and out of it. She dies in my arms  Pathology comes back suspected toxoplasmosis cocci. ??? 

Olive then suddenly starts losing  weight gets all the same symptoms as Burrow and dies in my arms 36 hours later  may 3rd see burrows story. Crookwell vet dose necropsy and patholgy  samples sent to Sydney University Pathology whom specialise in wildlife, 3 months later after many pathologists discussion and brain samples sent to overseas specalist they cannot determine why She died and what has made the changes in his brain, nothing that they know about. Were heartbroken and very sad. They were definant that there wee no toxo or parasites. 

Sadly in April Olive  appeared very unwell, and died 36 hours later. we had an necropsy done at Crookwell vet with many


May 3rd 

We moved Billie although still well into ICU and she was eating grass ok not real well first week also treated for cocci and strongolidies just in case still awaiting pathology from Olive a visit with Dr howard Ralph added treatment for toxo, bloods done decal float etc found nothing wrong. NO Paracites  then suddenly 5 days later sudden weight loss no poo and refusing to eat. continued contact with Dr Howard till he was next in Braidwood. By then she was not doing well. We blended grass lectaid multisite glucose and syringe fed and kept her hydrated. Howard shocked she had gone from 14kg to 11 in space of 7 days. Bloods and poos still fine.  She died early next morning massive grand mal fits we tried, Warwick drove straight to Howards for necropsy. Nothing found so more pathology sent off 

Burrow is buried with Bille and Olive whom also died from the same thing in the following weeks despite alot of help from vets including Dr Howard Ralph a sad puzzle.

This is also happening in the wild on the Tableands where we live and we know on a number of wild wombats on the southern highlands getting over 2 weeks or even a week suddenly very this , going neurologically blind, unable to smell and death within 24hrs of this final stage .  

Final comments from syd uni pathology Despite a meeting of all vets and sending brain samples ( Brain showed some changes) there is no cause of death its a mystery 

 Dr Howards opinion now after the final and third wombat died was viral encephalitis, nothing we could have done would have saved them as symptoms show so late.