September 14th 2020
Buru Adult male Red Neck wallaby had caught his foot in a cattle grate and he had a compound fracture. It was three weeks before He was eventually caught by Shane (property resident) and I was able assess, and decide given his foot is still warm despite injury it was worth taking him to to See Dr Howard Ralph.
Buru has a second chance in life thanks to Dr Howard Ralph and team his foot has an infection and bones out of alignment. We have him in intensive care now for quite a while as he will slowly get better and be released back where he came from, wild again. Hes a big boy at 19 kg and he's a very calm fellow so ideal for being helped. He will move from ICU to the macropod shed then exercise in the attached kangaroo enclosure till hes ready to go.

So what weighs 21 kg has along tail and can fly over fences from a standing jump!! That's right Buru feeling a bit better. So his foot is all in position now and granulating (healing) from the inside, just got to get infections under control. Hes not impressed with all the injections!
Big day tomorrow for Buru 20kg adult red neck wallaby, after 3 weeks in ICU, pain relief, antibiotics and as much grass and browse as he can eat, he's looking a bit better and tomorrow his foot gets reconstructed by Dr Howard Ralph and his amazing team. Will be a long day for us both.
October 10 at 5:17 PM
Buru's ICU pen was left open during the day with just warwick and Dianna around whom are very quite. He used to watch us and did a trip around the huge room he was in, sometimes twice a day, it really settled him for a good sleep after that.
Buru soaks up morning sun his ICU has views of the mountains and is very comfy to relax and chill on. Buru the red neck wallaby is over his biggest hurdle. 3 rd visit where with a general anasetic his foot is cleaned splinted some dead bone removed was removed and another canular for IV injections daily till next visit. Dr Howard says, we look like getting the infection in his foot under control. so he's moved from 50/50 now. Waiting on cultures of some bacteria so it can also be targeted with anitibiotics. then when its clear a pin or plate to cover the small gap of the dead bit of bone and Dr Howard Ralph feels he will hav a very functional foot. He wasnt so happy on his 2.5 hr trip yesterday down to the vet, coming back he had some different better sedation (they do stress). Think we should start a small $20 Gift towards his vet bills, we'd like to make sure Dr Howard Ralph (southern cross wildlife) had some extra frund to help treat other wildlife. He has NO ordinary vet practice for cats, dogs etc he just dose wildlife and takes whatever we can afford. Hard to see the foot bandage here
Late October sees infection slowly getting under control, but something else is happening is it toxoplasmosis or teatnus . hes not getting up and were hand feeding him and getting water into him, hes not distressed as Dr Howard has him on a strong painkiller. time will tell what it is
Very sadly after treating him for toxoplasmosis it became obvious it was tetnus which meant he could not be saved. Dianna did what was needed and he is free from pain now. Vale Buru a lovely gentle boy were very very sad
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