2016- 2019 Jeffery 'White claw' 'Bite-a-lot"
Mr Jeffery bite-a-lot! He has a white claw front not commonly seen, and generally covered in dirt. He came into care at just 1.1 kg in October 2016, from another carer he was quite ill for a while when he came into care and Dr Howard was able to save him. He's been a lovely cuddly wombat buddied up with Elmo, Monty and poppet.
Jeffery has appeared with first cold nights for a little some thing extra may 2022 at Denis and Daves place where he has been released ! hes seen generally only at this time. cheeky boy and looking amazing
Recently august 2017 he's started to jump and bite, shredding lots of our clothes, finally in November he's settled down some and leaves Poppette and Monty alone.
Sadly Elmo died in the night from a twisted bowel, apparently common in smaller wombats as there always jumping and going a bit crazy.
With Elmo gone Jeffery and Poppet have become inseperable. And so Jeffery has a go at monty any chance he can get.
We had to move Monty into a new enclosure next door to settle things down. We did not see alot of Jeffery and poppet, sleeping like wombats should.
Late summer 2018 and they managed to join the mass tunnel digging and made 3 enclosures connected by a 8 m tunnel and all up 10 wombats Ahhh!
Jeffery was part of the breakout gang and started his release. He got rather badly beaten up in a couple of days so back he came, banging on doors to be let back into his pen.
By this time Jeffery and Jess were doing ok together so they spent winter in the Highschoold wombatorium. Dry very cold winter was not suitable for releaseing, were hand feeding hay to wild and released wombats kangaroos and wallabys
December saw an attempt to relesase Jeffer and Jess after we had constructed the new release pen at Kurts.
Poor jeffery as attacked straight off by Jess whom decided the new smaller (9 x 10 m ) space was his. So back Jeffery has come to the high school wombatorium. We will fatten him up some more and try releasing him by himself at Denis and Daves.