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2019 - 2021 Little Starman arrives 296 gms

Little Starman another roadkill orphan

We refer to the moving bodies off the road and checking of pouches for living little joeys as 'drive by shopping". theres just so much. 

Starman at just 296gms was rescued by Susan 21st July 2019 and I met her at The tangled Vine Cafe with him all wrapped up snugly. He gets his name as his arms and legs spring out automatically when you try and put him in a fresh bag, the claws scraping on the bag. 

He has been a good little fellow loving his bottles 6 times a day, yes thats every 4 hours ! 

Hes been a good feeder until a Protozoa he had decided to attack his red blood cells and thank's to the wonderfull Dr Howard Ralph we have been able to save him. 


Starman upgraded to a bigger box is joined by his new buddies Flora and berry!  will they ever grow into it!

Starman has grown quickly as part of a crazy trio. He has had iron and vitamin supplements in his milk for many months due to a lack of iron in his blood. its a bit messy! 

In the hot summer of 2019-20 we have kept frozen bottles of water in their book and kept the box in the coolest part of the house. 

Starman has always been a busy boy and samples some bark, something wild wombats often eat. 

And eventually the crazy trio moved to the shed in their wombatorium , bag in a. box still, till we can sort out the wild dog issues. 

Starman has his moments and enjoys the very odd cuddle with Warwick whom was signing gently 'in my room' to him


The crazy trio had Star Man outnumbered by the 2 girls. Sally (on top), normally very shy and independent just wants to snuggle up to the others. These three are famous for the great escape at around 19kg; a bit early for release which is usually at 21kg minimum. We caught Star Man the wanderer and sealed up the escape tunnel, on many consecutive nights and eventually gave up. Three wombats can easily dig under a fence buried a metre deep in one night, especially after lots of rain softening the soil. They came and went through their tunnel doing a self-soft-release.

Star Man appeared to take over Frankie's job as the local attack wombat in the first few months of his self release. He  has always been a bit of a bitey boy, with Flora particularly, but appears to have settled down. Polly seems to be the centre of Star Man's attentions now, maybe its because they're both resident under our huge old shed. On a misty night Star Man can be seen eating grass, stretched out relaxing like he’s sunbathing. He's a funny fellow. 


March 2022 Starman is still around as boys are, he often sleeps under the shed in the wet weather, and its been very wet this year.  He's looking great and im sure itshim chasing the girls around sometimes.