Sooty Owl 27 x 32cm Original Oil painting by Kathie Bateman
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We ship all paintings well packed in a box.
27 cm heigh x 32wide framed
Paintings photographed on Kathie's easel which is sloping a little
Kathie's love of the bush and living just a walk away, where there are plenty of flannel flowers and other flowers can be seen in her art. Having Waratahs and beautiful pink gum blossoms growing in her garden gives plenty of inspiration. We wont mention Kathy has a small flock of kookaburas she feeds, every morning, there feed a special mix.
All canvas oil paintings have sides painted so it will not need framing, there is also a cord to hang it on your wall.
We are featuring Kathie Batemans art on our website as she is Dianna's mum and has made hundreds of wombat hats over the years as part of our fund raising. Yes Dianna's art and drawings will slowly appear here as she gets a bit of time soon!
Kathie Bateman now 89 (2024) is still painting and active in her local art group. Painting is more than a hobby for mum, she always has something on the go. Kathie has won many awards at various art show's and sells most of her paintings when put in exhibitions. Art was all-consuming from the time she was born and at 15 took lessons in show card and ticket writing as well as enrolled and spent three years in the National Art School. Worked most of her single life in the ticket-writing dept of the Mick Simmons chain of stores. Even today she has a small Art Group that meets and paints each school week, this has been going on for over 20 years.
Kathie also crochets all our wombat hats and theres doilies as well coming soon, a lucky dip I think! Yes Kathie is Dianna's beloved mum and very good friend.
Care of paintings: Do not hang in direct sunlight, the sun is very powerful and will fade even the old masters! Fly spots and general grime can be carefully wiped off with a little personal hand soap and water, make sure its supported at the back so you do not stretch canvas. Wetting back of canvas where there is a dimple will help any stretches or dimples from poor handling disappear.