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Gift of vet fees, helping us look after them.

Gift of vet fees, helping us look after them.

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Gift of vet fees, helping us look after them.

Your donation towards this  Vet costs is really a great help. We are not a charity and pay all the fees ourselves.  

We can email a printable PDF you can give as a gift, or enclose this in one of our photo cards and post please ask!


Were just a couple of ordinary folk who are trying to do the right thing. We fund all our wildlife work from our online shop and get no government or other funding. We are not a registered Charity. 

The purchase of a gift of Vet fees helps us give all the vet treatment that is needed for our wombats and other wildlife we care for.  thank you so much as it really helps us give the best care we possibly can and soft release healthy resilient wildlife. 

 As is so often the case when they are rescued there are injuries from the
 Orphaning event, hit by cars, attacked by dogs or even other wombats. 
  Most wildlife comes into our care after they or their mother  hit by a car on the roads, so they too suffer injuries. These can take time to sort out and cost quite a bit. We have had a couple of wombats now that have taken 10-12 weeks for the impact onto the road giving brain injury’s to come good. Initially they went around in circles and required medications to settle them reduce brain swelling. They are totally fine having made a full recovery, growing into adults and then soft released. 
  We also get wombats returning when they are injured such as recently with Flora (pictured) unable to walk at all on a rear leg.  Trip’s 2.5 hrs each way to a wildlife vet specialist Dr Howard Ralph and required multiple often investigative treatments over a number of months, even at thankfully reduced rates this all still costs a lot.  After anaesthetic X-rays, blood tests, ultra sounds and pain relief and a months worth of antibiotic injections.  Flora had a really nasty infection in her rear leg, there was no wound, so probably a tick bite and bacteria on skin. 
The bone below the knee was in pieces it was so infected and swollen and required us giving antibiotic injections over a month then a number of months of rehabilitation. She returned to her old shed and wombatorium so we have been able to keep her there, all cosy and relaxed in her own place she knew, in the hay filled shed with her original sleeping box over the cold winter.  Yes she had all she could eat fresh picked grass and some treats of sweet potato and pellets keeping her happy. Now fully treated with her bone and muscles strong again. She’s become quite snappy now and will be given a soft release from her wombatorium over spring, to ease back into her wild life. 


2020 has been an expensive year, and although Dr Howard Ralph accepts what we can give we like to give at least 1/2 what a normal vet would charge. Being just a wildlife only vet he runs a very lean practice from his property. 

Burrow Wombat 

He came in with to us with a broken tail (yes its small ) with gangrene on the tip. Also major fungal infection from being trapped in a burrow by floods and probably a ball of barbed wire for a long time.  Cultures at lab were done, bloods etc  various medications and an operation to remove the tip of his tail 2 Visits taking all day by the time we do the 2.5 hr drive.  He is a lively boy now. 

Billie wombat

From her roll down the road when mum was Had a badly cut eye, almost losing it, she also had a contra co head injury where the brain hits the skull so hard its bruised. This took 6-8 weeks for her to not walk in circles. 3 visits to Howard and lots of specific pain relief  and medications, x trays. operation to sew her 3rd eyelid over her eye to increase chase of saving eye. She's doing fine now. 


Still in care 8 months after she should have been released but held back due to fires. Developed a pronounced lip on her rear leg. General analeptic, many many expats to discover a cyst in the bone and tendon pulled partway off bone. Mediaction and rest return visit shortly. 


Buru Adult male red necked wallaby

soaks up morning sun his ICU has views of the mountains and is very comfy to relax and chill on. Buru the red neck wallaby is over his biggest hurdle. 3 rd visit where with a general anasetic his foot is cleaned splinted some dead bone removed was removed and another canular for IV injections daily till next visit. Dr Howard says, we look like getting the infection in his foot under control. so he's moved from 50/50 now. Waiting on cultures of some bacteria so it can also be targeted with anitibiotics. then when its clear a pin or plate to cover the small gap of the dead bit of bone and Dr Howard Ralph feels he will hav a very functional foot. He wasnt so happy on his 2.5 hr trip yesterday down to the vet, coming back he had some different better sedation (they do stress). Think we should start a small $20 Gift towards his vet bills, we'd like to make sure Dr Howard Ralph (southern cross wildlife) had some extra frund to help treat other wildlife. He has NO ordinary vet practice for cats, dogs etc he just dose wildlife and takes whatever we can afford.     Sadly after 3 months in intensive care with pain relief and antibiotic treatment, anasetics for bandaging on 5 visits to Howard he developed Tetnus and we had to euthanise him. Its very rare in macropods and Dr Howard has only seen 3 other cases.