Wombat Rusted steel Garden art By Dianna at Rocklilywombats
shipped international is EXTRA: SHIPPING TO GERMANY $66, US $58 in total Invoiced separately depending on what is with it NO FREE POSTAGE
Designed by Dianna for a Community art program in Taralga and now available for you place!
NEW SIZE Size 36 cm wide x 30 cm high Ground spikes now seperate On wombatand are not included in size
and packed weight to ship is 3.8kg
Slow those speeding on your driveway! And just for fun!
When item goes out of stock it will be around 2 working weeks for supply. We will contact you after we have spoken to metal cutter.
Made from 3mm Corten steel designed together a rusty patina then rust no further. Maintenance free weathering steal.
This weathering steel will arrive as a grey metal finish which will quickly develop a natural rust patina in your garden. To speed it up hose with water a few times for a few days. Any cutting marks soon disappear as it rusts.
Wombats: The bare-nosed wombat can be seen on country roads at night. They have a high mortality on our local roads, with poor eyesight and hearing they will often dart behind the bright blinding headlights straight under a car. To get them off the road here's a little wombat speak for you to learn: as loud as you can, out the window, say 'Tssst tsst tssst and they should run away. Mange (human scabies) is also killing many wombats and the population is in decline Farmers generally feel they compete with their sheep and cattle for grass and make holes under fences. If they're left to the creek lines they become part of the farms biodiversity. Wombats have the slowest metabolism of all our marsupials with their gut flora making the most of the grasses they eat; having that in the environment could help farmed animals do the same, much like farmers use camels in their herds
Dianna has designed a range of local animals either real, extinct or an First Nations myth and they now are affordable garden art. Wombat, Koala, Kangaroo, Quoll, Thylacine, Drop bear, Bunyip.
Initial designs were Funded a community arts project by the Shared Spaces programme, a NSW Government initiative to Upper Lachlan Shire Council. The target was to get motorists speeding thru our local small town of Taralga to slow down and stop and look around. So sharing roads with cards and wildlife.
shipping Flora to Germany will cost $66 you can add a wombat toy calendar and cookie cutter for this price
shipping to US will cost $58 you can add a wombat toy calendar and cookie cutter