Building a Wombatorium
This set of pages has the following information (if you want any further information please feel free to contact us via the link at the top right of the page):
Wombatorium Build
We managed this as a 2-day working bee for 7 people. Basically our wombatorium is 18 roller doors dropped on their sides into a 1-metre trench and bolted together. It contains 2 starter burrows, a large tree for scratching and play, 3 trees for shade, pockets of bracken and nettle (as there is lots of that around) and an A-frame roof over the burrows, plus a human door and a wombat door. We used an additional 1.5 doors for 2 A-frame covers and tin to cover the starter burrow.
Final wombatorium, we just need to put in a ground level wombat door. The main door is high so you cannot get charged at so easily by the wombats. This is about 20m long by 11m wide using 18 doors.
We needed:
Roller doors – You can get free roller doors from most installers as they go for scrap metal anyway. The springs and coils through the middle plus any handles and other bits need to be taken off – this took us about 4 hours. This can all be recycled for free.
Extra materials – We needed hinges and latches for the wombat & human doors, wood to reinforce doors and build A-frame and support the tin in the burrow cover. If you use 1 or 2 roller doors for the covering this would make 19 doors needed.
A trencher – The hole needs to be close to one metre deep and only about 20cm wide. We ended up with a wider trench as that’s what was available locally. We used him to dig the starter burrows and backfill as well – about half a day’s work.
A water bowl – The water bowl needs to be strong. Prefer sef feeder stainless steel Johno and johno comes with a spare float
Tools – A drill and a pile of screws with nuts. We used 2 each end of each door to join. Put nuts on outside; they are a choking hazard.
Extras – Heavy twine or rope with fabric tied to it, to be tied across the wombatorium in 5 foot intervals to discourage eagles and powerful owls.
Lounge - Large dead tree to chew climb on adds interest
Here’s a sample schedule:
Day 1 Remove all bits from doors and stack flat in piles, you get a better job if you stack in the same widths so they go up together. We weeded stinging nettles from the area. Draw a paint line for your trencher to follow.
Day 2 Trencher starts digging started burrows first, then, if needed, drags in any large tree stumps needed as play equipment for wombats. Then he can start on the door trench, putting dirt on outside of the burrow, with just the odd one inside to pack any gaps. If you can make it at least 16 doors around preferably bigger is better. Once the digger is out of the way you can start dragging doors into position; you need to pack the base to keep it upright, drilling and joining doors together with 2 screws and nuts per join.
At the same time you will need to build the A-frames plus the burrow covers. You need to make the door before you close it up, it’s easier to get out! So give everyone jobs and keep well away from the digger.